I am in full on "craft mode" as of late and my over-functioning-under-rested head is bursting at the seams with ideas + projects + good things (if only there were more hours in a day). I have decided that it is imperative that I prioritize these projects to ensure all of the "must haves" and "need to do's" are completed. A girlfriend and I spent Wednesday evening re-watching the Glee Christmas episode and assembling these pretty little paper chains (a throw back to my younger years) for the NYE party that I keep referring to. Sometimes the simplest of decor packs the most punch.
What special goodies have you crafted/baked/assembled this holiday season?
I have been baking and crocheting like crazy!
I need to (re)learn how to crochet. I used to LOVE to crochet. What have you made?
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