Are you enjoying the first days of fall? I've been under the weather for over TWO weeks and I'm over it (last weekend burnt me right out). There are so many ideas and projects rolling around in my congested head and I can't wait for the energy to put them into motion. I'm doing my best to get enough sleep, drink lots of water, practise yoga REGULARLY, and ensure I eat balanced meals. Easier said then done, right? What do you do to battle the change-of-season-blues?
On a more exciting note, one of my favourite things about Autumn is the fashion. I'm always drawn to FW Collections and this year has been exceptional. I've spent hours trolling fashion blogs and magazine sites, lusting over various pieces. I can't get enough of the layers, the colours, the materials.
I just crossed riding boots off my wish list of fall "staples" and I feel as though a cute bomber like this one is the next piece I should search for. Have you been fall shopping? What is on your wish list?
Photo via The Sartorialist
I bet jumping in a few bundles of beautifully coloured leaves will cheer you up!
I just bought a 'boyfriend blazer', and now a leather jacket is on my shopping list. Plus I need some new gym stuff to work off some of the comfort autumn and winter food I'm going to be eating too much of !!!
J - care to join me in the meadow this weekend?
Victoria - That's so true - Canadian Thanksgiving is this weekend and I anticipate I'm going to need plenty of excise after turkey+pie+wine+potatoes....
PS: I LOVE my 'boyfriend' blazer... actually, I almost bought a "boy's" blazer b/c I couldn't find one that fit right forever!
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