I can't believe the final hours of 2009 are winding down.
This past year has been full of so many changes in my.little.life and - although it was sometimes stressful - I will look back on oh-nine fondly.
Something we always want to manipulate: more time, less time, stretch time out, slow time down...
Time is also something that marches on and continues whether we're ready for it to or not.
Part of my growth over the past year has enabled me to respect time more and enjoy life in the moment. There are some things I can change and some things I can't; the beauty is found in realizing each individual moment - planned or unplanned - is part of the journey.
Keeping time in mind, why not use it to decorate for the holiday that celebrates it best?

I'm off to find all of the clocks, watches, and timepieces I can find in our house to adorn the table.for.two (a very low key NYE for B and I is in order this evening).
As the last few hours of this year draw to a close, I wish you happy thoughts and warm wishes, blog world.
Cheers to Auld Lang Syne.
Be safe.